That’s right! Rapid Action Profits NOW HAS Membership and it’s DEAD simple to setup, implement, and manage!**
It’s called the ‘RAP Membership Plus Add-On’ **
I guess it sounds like I’m taking the credit for this, so I guess I should set the record straight before I go any further.
Bill Ortell has invested over 200 hours creating this for you, and it shows.
He’s pushed the limits of the typical ‘membership site script’ that will send your businesses soaring… and, of course, he’s integrated it very nicely with Rapid Action Profits so you can now run a membership system with instant payments for affiliates.
Recurring payments has always been a big draw for the owner as well as his affiliates, but now anyone running a membership site can also advertise instant commissions for affiliates! I won’t get into listing every feature. There are just too many, and besides – you can read about them on Bill’s website.
But… I’ve spent the last couple of days reviewing this new Add On and I do want to tell you how impressed I am! Just as you’d expect with any RAP Certified Add On, you set it up and manage it right from your RAP Admin Panel, and it’s sweet!
A lot of effort has gone into this Add On (and making it fit perfectly with RAP so your sales engine and your membership site will work seamlessly together).
- It’s Fully, 100% Compatible, and Specifically Designed and Built for RAP v3.0.3!
- Exclusive protection of not only your content within your site but *** ALSO *** ability to protect your WordPress site, blog, or other secure areas, by just adding 3 lines of code – and NO complex .htaccess/code to use on your server!
- Extendibile Membership Site architecture allows you to put your own .php code, widgets, gadgets, content, and I’ve literally been non-stop thinking of how many different ways you could use this Membership Plus Add-On that it boggles the mind!
- You can use it to create your own Giveaway products… which auto-enters a transaction into the sales table for future use in your emailing your members/customers of your Giveaway.
- Comes complete with AJAX functionality for the Administration area, with convenient ‘one-click’ member features such as – “auto-login”, “password-recovery”, and (oh yeah) ‘one-click’ overriding access for a member (unlock/lock), and much more.
- Allows you to put your other RAP Products already installed on the system to dual-use as you learn about how to exploit your already RAP installed products to even more powerful earning potential! (all in ‘one-click’)
- No tweaking code, buying 3 pieces of software to do the work of one 5 minute setup!
Check out the site to see all of the features… (you gotta see the “gift-a-download” link feature – it absolutely blew me out of the water!)
The site layout, and the administration area has a clean, crisp, professional feel and will be the envy of ‘other’ membership systems!
It’s built using the same simple architecture structure as seen with Rapid Action Profits which means that you’ll have access to the templates, flexibility on what you want and where you want it, along with the ability to TOTALLY tweak it using your own php/design skills…
OR! Using the preset template structure with VERY sleek Web 2.0 templates, bright colors, (while controlling General Site Setup details), right within the ‘back-office’ Admin area of the RAP Admin Add-On Console.
Finally – A Membership Site Built Specifically for RAP!
Hey Sid,
When you get Scrunch working on RAP, will you post an update on this?
Neil Ferree
Ferree Money
Hey Neil,
Sorry, I missed your post. The new service at is working with RAP now, and scrunch’d affiliate links are automatically created in the affiliate tools page for any RAP-driven site.