I haven’t had a chance to post this here before, but on October 30, version 1.5.3 of Rapid Action Profits was released to customers with a lot of new functionality.
The more popular features that were added are …
The “Tell a Friend” function has been extended so that you can now use it after a customer purchases your one-time offer.
Non-performing Sales Letters may now be disabled so that they no longer affect sales conversion.
Split testing has been enhanced to allow you to disable a “non-performing” version of your sales letter.
A new template has been provided to allow you to supply affiliates with advertising tools (banners, ads, email promos, peel away ads, etc.). NOTE – this page has an example of the affiliate peel away ads in use.
Product “download” links may now point to an MP3 file, or to a .htm or .html file so that you can have a hidden web page with multiple downloads, hidden login form, etc.
An alternate landing page has been added to allow for pre-sales. This page is “outside” the automatic sales/delivery process, but can front-end that process if you wish by providing a direct link to the sales page on the associated template file. This page will accept an affiliate ID and sets the affiliate cookie so it can be used by your affiliates as well.
New features are added to Rapid Action Profits based on popular customer request, and are designed to retain all previous functionality while allowing the option of “seamlessly” integrating new functions.

As ever, you have produced another fine update (at no extra cost to members) which adds to the already great features list.
Keep up the good work!
Kind regards
Hi Sid,
How do I join your affiliate program?