Extend the Marketable Life of Every Product you Sell

On Friday (a week ago), just as I was getting ready to announce my new ebook, Advanced Marketing Strategies, the server just rolled over.

What is it Charlie Brown says?  arrrrrrrghhhhhh!

The Forum was down. My Help Desk was down.  Everything.

In fact, after several false starts – we decided to move the whole thing to a new server.  I finally got everything back up and running, and late Sunday night, we were finally able to let (only) my existing customers know about it.  I  wanted to give them a special intro price, and had some of my own back-end marketing strategies planned.

Now it’s finally available for anyone who needs it.

If you sell a product (or want to), Advanced Marketing Strategies explains how to:

  • Extend the Marketable Life of Every Product You Launch
  • Help you Increase the “Buzz” for Your Product (before, during, and long after your launch)
  • Grow Your “List of Buyers” for Targeting Back End Offers
  • Easily Recruit Affiliates (forever)
  • Get affiliates to advertise long-term, rather than just sending out one email to their list
  • Re-purpose your offers once the profits die down

If you don’t learn anything else, get this right.

Learn to market your products, rather than just selling to your list.  Create a “sales engine”, and a commission-only sales force to do the selling.

Use the techniques in Advanced Marketing Strategies to grow your business by focusing on marketing strategies rather than all the traffic tricks, list-building techniques, etc. that you depended on as an affiliate marketer.

It’s a different game, and to win… you have to play it differently.