20 Ways Launches with Rapid Action Profits

A few days ago, I received an email announcing a new ebook from a number of Willie Crawford’s “proteges”.  I guess that’s the right word.

Willie has a membership site, The Internet Marketing Inner Circle (TIMIC) and asked if any of the members would like to collaborate on a new book for the Internet Marketing niche.  Of course, he got a lot of takers, and “20 Ways to Make $100 A Day” was born.

This is the sort of thing that a lot of marketers need.  Hundreds of people every day (maybe even thousands) take a step toward starting some sort of internet business, but most of them flounder.  This could be just the information many of them need to actually start taking action!

I recently found out that Willie set up my Rapid Action Profits script to control the sales process, manage the downloads, pay the project contributors, etc.

Willie got one of the first copies of Rapid Action Profits to roll out the door, and I knew he was playing around with it, but it wasn’t until he asked a couple of pointed questions on my customer support forum that it became obvious he was using my product for this launch.

I just got off the phone with Willie, and he confirmed that things are running very smoothly, not only with the script, but also with the launch of their new ebook.

So many people new to the business are looking for how to get started – how to make that first buck online – it seems that having 20 different ideas for making $100 a day might just be the kick start that many of them need.


  1. I was glad to see that Willie used RAP too. This was actually the first purchase I made through the RAP system except when testing my own products.

    I’m sure the system got pounded, so it’s an excellent stress test for RAP.