RAP Certified Kunaki Add On

Bill Ortell (rap-extras.com) and Erin (netkickstart.com) just released the latest Certified RAP Add On, and it delivers great value added functions for RAP customers.

For the first time, with thanks to the Kunaki CD/DVD Fulfillment Add On, Rapid Action Profits can be used to deliver physical product, rather than just digital downloads.

Tightly integrated with RAP, this new add on allows for defining multiple Kunaki accounts/products, and relating those to individual RAP-driven sales campaigns.  It will collect the shipping info (shipping method, shipping address, etc.) from your customer, combine it with the Kunaki product number, and pass the order off to Kunaki for fulfillment.

Don’t have a physical product?

Here are some ideas I’ve been tossing around:

  • How easy would it be to turn my digital download into a CD or DVD (especially when Kunaki does all the production work), and offer it as an OTO for an extra $20-$30 (or more)?
  • Maybe I could set up an Equity Partnership with someone who has a great set of  download videos.  Rather than just being another “affiliate” I could set his/her product up for physical delivery, and the equity partner feature of RAP will automatically split the profits between us.
  • or what about setting up a Micro Continuity program, with incremental delivery and HUGE backend sales potential?

Those are just off the top of my head.  Maybe you have some of your own ideas…